Good clipfish sales in August

September 9, 2010 14:30

In August, exports of groundfish including clipfish, salted fish and stockfish totalled NOK 757.6 million. This is an increase of 9 % or NOK 62.8 million compared to August 2009. The volume of exports increased by 7 % or 1,816 tonnes to a total of 29,216 tonnes, according to the latest figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council, reports with reference to NSEC.

Exports of clipfish in August totalled NOK 253.4 million, an increase of 4% or NOK 8.7 million compared to the same month last year. The volume of exports of clipfish totalled 7,408 tonnes, marking the highest volume of exports ever recorded for the month of August. Brazil was the biggest market for clipfish in August with an export value of NOK 79 million, an increase of no less than NOK 34 million from August last year.

- "Christmas sales to Brazil are now fully under way," says market analyst Ove Johansen from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council. "The increases in exports that we have seen in August, particularly for Norwegian Cod clipfish, have been helped by both the currency situation and the good availability of Norwegian Cod in winter."

Exports of Norwegian Saithe clipfish in August increased in value by 12% to a total of NOK 104.7 million. The volume of exports was up by 6% to a total of 3,931 tonnes. The price of Norwegian Saithe clipfish in august averaged NOK 26.65 per kg, an increase of 5% compared to the same month last year.

Exports of Norwegian Cod clipfish in August declined in value by 2% to a total of NOK 124.1 compared to the same month last year. The volume of exports of Norwegian Cod clipfish totalled 2,783 tonnes, exactly the same as in August last year.
Exports of salted fish down, stockfish up

In August, the value of exports of salted fish products totalled NOK 39.3 million, down by NOK 25.2 million or 39% from the same month last year. The volume of exports of salted fish products in August totalled 1,468 tonnes, compared to 2,100 tonnes in August 2009.

The value of exports of Norwegian Cod stockfish from Lofoten in August totalled NOK 37.9 million, an increase of NOK 12.2 million compared to the same month last year. The volume of exports of Norwegian Cod stockfish from Lofoten in August totalled 311 tonnes, up by 100 tonnes from the same month last year. Exports to Italy, the main market, totalled 268 tonnes with an average price of NOK 129.60 per kg, an increase of NOK 5.12 per kg compared to the same month last year.
Good month for frozen whole fish

In August, exports of whole frozen groundfish totalled NOK 155.8 million, up by NOK 26.6 million or 21% compared to August 2009. The volume of exports increased by 780 tonnes to a total of 10,270 tonnes.

The biggest growth was seen in exports of frozen whole redfish, which increased in volume from 123 tonnes in August last year to 806 tonnes in August this year. At the same time, the price increased by 32% to NOK 17.38 per kg, valuing exports for the month of August at NOK 14 million.

August exports of frozen whole Norwegian Cod, Norwegian Saithe and haddock also increased in value, up by NOK 15.3 million to a total of NOK 111 million. China remains the biggest importer of frozen whole groundfish from Norway.
Higher prices for farmed fish

Exports of farmed whole Norwegian Cod in August totalled NOK 29.5 million, an increase of 22% compared to August 2009. The volume of exports in August totalled 756 tonnes, 23 % up compared to August 2009. The average price in August was NOK 30.55 per kg, which is NOK 10 higher than the average price in August last year.

The value of exports of farmed halibut in August totalled NOK 6.4 million, up by an impressive 116% compared to the same month last year. The average price in August was NOK 80 per kg, up by 4% from August last year. France is the biggest market for both halibut and Norwegian Cod from aquaculture.

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