Gloomy forecasts on Atlantic salmon prices

March 15, 2010 10:26

In the first half of March 2010 prices for fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon and trout continued rising, reports ( with reference to foreign sources.

Prices for fresh salmon and trout continued rising on all the markets. Traders reported about a rise of demand against the background of insufficient supply. The problem touched not only the Norwegian salmon, but Scottish and Faroese as well. Many market participants were concerned that the market was moving into a very difficult period of unpredictable prices.

According to the Norwegian export statistics from the beginning of 2010, the average export prices for fresh and chilled salmon in NOK jumped approximately by 5-6 NOK per kilo from 30 NOK in the beginning of January to more than 35 NOK in the middle of March 2010.

Naturally, it directly told on the end prices on the Russian market as the salmon imports are dominated by chilled fish.

A spokesman of one large Moscow-based processor told that in Moscow large importers of chilled salmon increased their prices by RUR30.00-40.00 per kilo, namely from RUR220.00-240.00 per kilo in mid-January 2010 to RUR260.00-280.00 per kilo in mid-March 2010.

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