GLOBALG.A.P SUMMIT2010: Fish Farming for Consumers

July 8, 2010 15:08

The chairmen of the Aquaculture Sector Committee are going to present the Version 4 of the GLOBALG.A.P Integrated Farm Assurance Standard for Aquaculture, reports with reference to Global Gap.

This version will allow certification of a wide range of fish species. Delegates have the opportunity to participate in a technical discussion to explore the opportunities of this innovative approach that is aimed to reduce complexity and cost of reliable and widely consulted on farm certification systems.

Feed for Aquaculture

Through the recently launched GLOBALG.A.P Compound Feed Manufacturing Standard, farms are now also provided with a reliable tool when it comes to feed safety of compound feed used. Panelists discuss aspects of feed safety and responsible sourcing of feed and challenges for successful implementation in selected countries.

Safe and Responsible Aquaculture - Salmonids

With the Salmon Standard GLOBALG.A.P transferred its global competence in organising certification systems into fish farming. Since the introduction of the Good Aquaculture Practice Standard in 2004 the supply for responsibly produced salmon is meeting the growing retailer and food service demand. The speakers and panelists of this session address the opportunities and challenges for the sector reflecting the new version of GLOBALG.A.P, demand for consumer labels newly emerging certification standards and drivers for harmonisation.

Sustainable Resources and GLOBALG.A.P Add on Module Sustainable Water Use

Water is an emerging issue globally. As a standard for Good Agricultural Practice GLOBALG.A.P needs to position itself within these discussions. GLOBALG.A.P is already covering many aspects of sustainable use of water as part of good agricultural practices (including a project cooperation with GLOBALG.A.P members and WWF). That includes issues like: Community, Legal Water Use, Water Footprint, Efficiency.

Safe and Responsible Aquaculture - Shrimp

When GLOBALG.A.P introduced its Shrimp Certification Standard in 2008 this was the first multi stakeholder initiative as the Standard was based upon a consensus with two leading environmental and social NGOs. While certification activities are picking up the initiating partners discuss success factors and areas to identify bottlenecks and unblock barriers to growth of responsibly sourced shrimp.

Safe and Responsible Aquaculture - Pangasius

The GLOBALG.A.P Pangasius standard has been developed as a response to the growth of demand for this farmed fish out of Vietnam. First standard setting initiatives originated in Vietnam and have resulted in a growing number of Pangasius certificates that are internationally recognized. International retailers, local producers and public institutions have joint their forces to develop the necessary infrastructure necessary for all sizes of farms to comply with the high requirements for food safety, environmental and social criteria.

Safe and Responsible Aquaculture - Tilapia

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the world's largest multinational conservation organisation, is working with GLOBALG.A.P to provide training to auditors regarding the aquaculture standards developed by the WWF-initiated Aquaculture Dialogues. This includes standards finalised by the Tilapia Aquaculture Dialogue in December 2009, which will be discussed in this training program. Also as part of the WWF/GLOBALG.A.P partnership, GLOBALG.A.P's accredited Certification Bodies will be authorised by GLOBALG.A.P to audit farms that adopt the Dialogue standards. The Standards will be added on, in their entirety, to the GLOBALG.A.P Standards. Representatives of first GLOBALG.A.P certified Tilapia operations from all continents respond to the vision of WWF international on introducing responsible aquaculture production.

Visit for registration and information.

Speakers, moderators and panelists of the GLOBALG.A.P Aquaculture Sessions: Oyvind Oaland, Technical Manager, Marine Harvest, Norway;

Valeska Weymann, Standard Management Aquaculture, GLOBALG.A.P, Germany;

Carson Roper, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), UK;

José Villalon, Managing Director Aquaculture, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), US;

Norbert Sporns (tbc), CEO, HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries Inc., US;

Damien Legros (tbc), Lake Harvest International, Zimbabwe;

Laurent Métivier, Tropical Aquaculture Europe/Aquamar, Ecuador;

Jack Morales, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, Philippines;

Morten Hoyum, Trapia, Malaysia; Efrain Calderon (tbc), Control Union, The Netherlands;

Mike Picchietti, President, Regal Springs Tilapia, US;

Stéphane Ralite, OCIALIS, France;

Trygve Berg Lea, International Product Manager, Skretting AS, Norway;

Jodie Johnston, TESCO, UK;

Andrew Jackson, International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO), UK;

Jan Gilhuis (tbc), IDH, The Netherlands;

Jos Exters, ANOVA, The Netherlands;

Stéphanie Mathey (tbc), Groupe Carrefour, France;

Peter Niedermeier, Binca Seafoods, Germany;

Marc Nolting, Senior Planning Officer, GTZ, Germany; Nguyen Hoai Nam (tbc), VASEP, Vietnam;

Josef Raffalt-Gferer, Auditor, Intertek and GLOBALG.A.P Certification Body Committee chairman, Germany;

Leo van Mulekom, Oxfam Novib, The Netherlands;

Mark Nijhof, Director Corporate Development, Heiploeg BV, The Netherlands;

Aldin Hilbrands, Senior Manager Product Integrity Corporate Responsibility, Royal Ahold, The Netherlands;

Matthew Parr (tbc), IUCN, The Netherlands; Jorge Mario Diaz (tbc), ACUANAL, Colombia;

Lois Tourres (tbc), Escal, France;

Sandhya Chaudhury, Det Norske Veritas, Norway;

Erwin Sutanto (tbc), President Director, CP PRIMA, Indonesia;

Josef Lueneburg-Wolthaus, Rewe Group, Germany;

Alex Olsen, A. Espersen A/S, Denmark;

Pablo Mazo (tbc), Technical Manager, INTESAL, Chile;

John Barrington, Scottish Seafarms, UK;

Stuart Smith, ASDA , UK;

Guenther Fuelbier (tbc), Femeg, Germany;

Ian Michie, The Seafood Company, UK;

Martin Hofstede (tbc), CLAMA, Germany;

Paul Macintyre, Operations & Certification Manager, Food Certification International, UK

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