News - page 68
In December 2011 main trends in development of seafood shipments from the Russian Far East to main markets remained unchanged, thus the year 2011 finished generally successfully for the Russian fishermen (a fly in the ointment was a decline of bottomfish shipments) reports
In 2011 Russian importers purchased more Chilean trout, though the rise was not very big with the total import volume limited to only *** MT (versus *** MT in 2010), reports
On 8 February 2012 Busan auctions started offering frozen Russian pollock roe and the first results were better than expected, reports
As per 15 February 2012 Russian pelagic fleet was targeting capelin in the Barents Sea, but the catch rates hardly inspired optimism, reports
In the first month of 2012 Russia has become the biggest volume market for Norwegian salmon leaving behind France and Poland, reports with reference to Norwegian Seafood Council.
Fish consumption in Russia has been on a rise in the recent years and already exceeded docs' recommendations, reports
Kamchatka scientists forecast that in 2012 the nation's salmon harvest will go down by **% to ** MT versus the actual harvest of **MT in 2011, reports
For the first time in the recent years Russian fishermen have reported smaller catches as compared to the same period of the previous year, reports
As per 12 February 2012 the total Alaska pollock harvest from the beginning of the year amounted to *** MT, thus making only ** % as compared to the same period of 2011, reports
In January 2012 seafood exports from Vladivostok-led Primorsky Krai totaled USD *** million thus displaying a double increase on the same period last year. In volume terms fish export shipments jumped ** times to *** MT, reports
Though OOO Murmansk Marine Fish Port did not go for auction in late September 2011 as was announced earlier, the company will inevitably be sold to private owners until the end of 2013 according to the program on federal property privatization, reports
System of facultative certification of seafood products which has already been practiced in other markets such as UK may start in Russia as of 2014, the idea has been supported by the nation's Federal Fisheries Agency, reports
In 2012 Russia has got bigger quotas for fishery in the waters of Iceland, Faroe Islands (autonomous from Denmark) and Greenland. In its turn, Russia has also allocated similar capture quotas to the above states, reports
According to estimated figures, in January 2012 the Russian harvest in the Atlantic Ocean amounted to **** MT, **** MT up on same month of 2011. The contribution of Kaliningrad-based vessels amounted to **%, reports