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Russian Fishery reform should focus on boosting modern consumption patterns
April 20, 2012 10:09

As Russia is close to joining WTO, authorities at last started to think how to keep tax collection after transition period and cutting import taxes and tariffs. One of possible ways is to increase the added value, e.g. by development of domestic processing. It's a good reason to discuss what we could do to increase production of value added products (particularly - fish) in Russia, an industry insider shared his views on the subject with

Export from Russian Far East in April 2012 marked by end of APO catch in Sea of Okhotsk
April 19, 2012 16:35

Export from Russian Far East in April 2012 have been driven by pollock products and herring, reports

Russian and Norwegian vets exchanging fire on controls of seafood bound for export
April 19, 2012 11:14

Potential ban of chilled seafood imports from Norway as threatened by Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) has not been introduced as per 19 April 2012, though it is not clear if the restrictions are really going to take place, reports

Eighth time at Brussels for HB Grandi
April 19, 2012 08:09
Around thirty Icelandic companies and organisations will be taking part in the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels this year from the 24th to the 26th of April. These include HB Grandi, which has exhibited at the specialist seafood exhibition every year since 2005. This makes it the eighth time that HB Grandi has taken to opportunity to present its activities and products at Brussels, reports with reference to HB Grandi.
Rating of seafood products exported from Russia in 2011
April 18, 2012 16:37

In 2011 Russia's total export of seafood products both cleared at customs and shipped from beyond the Russian EEZ (not subject to delivery to the Russian customs territory for clearance) exceeded ** million MT. The total value amounted to more than ** billion USD, reports

Russian Sea-Fishing challenging targets of state scale
April 18, 2012 10:31

Russian fish business has a great potential for development. To use this potential it needs new fleet, new technologies, new approaches and new legislation. These issues actually lie in the sphere of activity of Russian Sea Group of Companies which has initiated a special interesting and promising project of state scale, reports with reference to CEO of Russian Sea-Fishing Vadim Gurinov.

HB Grandi: Big fish over a wide area
April 18, 2012 08:19
Faxi RE docked at Vopnafjordur this morning with a full load of between 1450 and 1500 tonnes of blue whiting on board. The fish were caught at the southern end of the Faroese EEZ and according to Hjalti Einarsson, who was skipper for the trip, there have been pelagic vessels fishing over a wide area there. The blue whiting do not appear to be forming tight shoals and 300 to 350 tonnes is normal for a nine- to ten-hour tow, reports
Official results of Russian fisheries in 2011
April 17, 2012 12:22

Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency has officially published final results of the nation's fishing sector in 2011, reports with reference to Head of Analytical information agency on fisheries Timur Mitupov.

Results of Russian APO A-Season 2012 enabling preliminary market outlook for main categories in product mix
April 16, 2012 11:08

During the APO A-Season 2012 the catch and production structure has considerably changed in line with market requirements, reports

Ending Pollock Roe Season in Russia and USA outlines prospects for prices and total market volumes
April 16, 2012 10:44

Another series of pollock roe auctions in Busan is over.  The next week, beginning with April, 16, is devoted to Seattle auctions.  Situation will be clearer in a week (and absolutely clear when all the auctions are over).  However, it’s high time to make intermediate conclusions while to determine price outlook it is important to look into quality of the American roe...

HB Grandi: Blue whiting dispersed
April 16, 2012 09:31
‘We have 370 tonnes of blue whiting on board now after three fairly short tows. There was some talk of landing in the Faroes, but that idea was scratched when it became clear that getting a landing spot there is easier said than done. There's a queue to discharge in the Faroes at the moment,' said Gudlaugur Jonsson, skipper of HB Grandi's pelagic vessel Ingunn AK when we spoke to him on Friday when Ingunn was fishing on blue whiting around 70 nautical miles south of the southern point of the Faroe Islands, reports
TOP10 countries of destination for Russian seafood products exported to international markets in January-February 2012 (by net weight, except for export from beyond the Russian EEZ)
April 16, 2012 08:37

In January-February 2012 Russian exported shipped to the world market ***,*** MT of seafood. Russian fish was exported to 30 countries of the world with the lion’s share purchased by Chinese importers (**.*% or more than ***,*** MT)

TOP10 Russian seafood products exported to international markets in January-February 2012 (by net weight, except for export from beyond the Russian EEZ)
April 16, 2012 08:35

In January-February 2012 Russian exported shipped to the world market ***,*** MT of seafood. Russian fish was exported under 64 HSCs and the most important export article was frozen Alaska pollock (**.**% or ***,*** MT) which was shipped mostly to China and South Korea...

TOP30 foreign importers of Russian seafood exported in January-February 2012 (by statistical value, except for export from beyond Russian EEZ)
April 16, 2012 08:34

In January-February 2012 87 foreign companies imported Russian seafood. Chinese company SHANDONG HUAMING INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD became leader in value terms with a result of **.**% or nearly USD ***.* million...

TOP30 foreign importers of Russian seafood exported in January-February 2012 (by net weight, except for export from beyond Russian EEZ)
April 16, 2012 08:31

In January-February 2012 87 foreign companies imported Russian seafood. Chinese company SHANDONG HUAMING INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD became leader in volume terms with a result of **.**% or ***,** MT

TOP30 Russian exporters of seafood in January-February 2012 (by statistical value, except for exports from beyond the Russian EEZ)
April 16, 2012 08:30

In January-February 2012 229 Russian companies exported seafood to the world market. OAO Okeanrybflot (plc) became the leading company with a result of **.**% and USD **.* million

TOP30 Russian exporters of seafood in January-February 2012 (by net weight, except for exports from beyond the Russian EEZ)
April 16, 2012 08:29

In January-February 2012 229 Russian companies exported seafood to the world market. OAO Okeanrybflot (plc) became the leading company with a result of **.**% and more than **,*** MT...

April 16, 2012 08:27

In January-February 2012 Russian exporters sold to the world market nearly ***,*** MT of seafood at the total statistical value of ca.USD ***.* million (the figures do not cover export shipments from beyond the Russian EEZ)...

Outlook for new season on Russian squid market
April 12, 2012 15:38

In April 2012 Russian fleets started fishing on the grounds of commander squid Berryteuthis magister in the nation’s Far East Basin and, according to non-official figures, as per 10 April 2012 one of the basin’s leading harvesters Dalmoreproduct Holding Company (plc) caught *** MT of squid. At the same time, according to vessels’ daily reports, from 3 to 10 April 2012 total production of frozen squid tubes in the Russian Far East amounted to ***,*** MT. Though big fleet will start targeting squid in May 2012, the market participants intently follow development of the situation so that they could form strategy for sales of squid inventories from old catch...

Russia looks into protective measures for seafood industry under WTO
April 11, 2012 16:26

The ongoing debate related to Russia's accession to WTO has mainly centered on the implications of the forthcoming reduction of import duties for the Russian seafood industry. But since the 1970s it is the technical barriers that have formed the core of "new protectionism" in the international trade, reports with reference to President of Russian Pollock Catchers Association German Zverev interviewed by Golden Horn.

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