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Baltiisky Bereg Company planning to raise farmed salmon harvest
May 17, 2012 10:16

Thanks to multimillion investments into aquaculture Saint-Petersburg-based seafood producer Baltiisky Bereg is planning to raise its farmed salmon output to *** MT by 2013, reports

Kaliningrad to establish regional Fish Auction
May 17, 2012 10:15

Under the regional target program on fishery development in 2012-2016 Kaliningrad authorities are planning to establish a fish auction so that local fishermen could send catches directly to retail chains and fish processing factories, just like it has been successfully practiced in neighbouring Klaipeda harbour (Lithuania), reports

Russian market keeps displaying amazing growth in fresh fish sector
May 15, 2012 11:08

Against the background of declining importation of frozen seafood Russia continues boosting imports of chilled and fresh products with the value of the latter category outstripping frozen imports nearly twofold, according to Federal Fisheries Agency.

Another Pollock Roe Week in Busan is Over
May 12, 2012 09:12

The Japanese holidays have passed, and all the market players met in Busan to define the destiny of Russian pollock roes. The sellers didn't care about holidays in Russia, and sold almost six thousand tons, enormous volume. Small doubt on the last day some buyers were simply short of money to give a proper price, reports

TOP20 countries of origin of seafood imported to Russia in January-March 2012
May 11, 2012 12:11

In Q1 2012 Russian importers purchased on the world market ***,*** MT of seafood products at the total value of nearly RUR **.* billion

TOP20 seafood products imported to Russia in January-March 2012
May 11, 2012 12:10

In Q1 2012 Russian importers purchased on the world market ***,*** MT of seafood products at the total value of nearly RUR **.* billion...

TOP30 foreign exporters of seafood to Russia in January-March 2012 by net weight
May 11, 2012 12:09

In January-March 2012 601 foreign companies supplied seafood products to the Russian market. Leading supplier in volume terms was Norway Pelagic

TOP30 foreign exporters of seafood to Russia in January-March 2012 by customs value
May 11, 2012 12:09

In January-March 2012 601 foreign companies supplied seafood products to the Russian market. Leading supplier in value terms was Norway Pelagic

TOP30 Russian importers of seafood in January-March 2012 by customs value
May 11, 2012 11:52

In Q1 2012 top30 of Russian importers of seafood (in value terms) also showed some important changes...

TOP30 Russian importers of seafood in January-March 2012 by net weight
May 11, 2012 11:50

In Q1 2012 top30 of Russian importers of seafood (in volume terms) showed some important changes. More specifically, former outsiders pushed some leaders from top5...

Dynamics of Russia’s seafood imports in Q1 2012
May 11, 2012 11:48

In March 2012 Russian importers activated their purchases of seafood products on the world market with the import volume through the month amounting to ***,*** MT, almost the same as in the first two months of the year (***,*** MT)

HB Grandi: Golden redfish stock never been so strong
May 11, 2012 09:17
HB Grandi's freezer trawler Helga Maria AK is due to dock in Reykjavik tomorrow after a short trip. The 7000 cartons on board will be landed and a new Hampidjan Gloria pelagic trawl will be taken on board for the redfish season that is about to start. According to skipper Eirikur Ragnarsson, there is no great pressure as the redfish quotas have been cut significantly since last year, reports
HB Grandi: Production finished last Friday
May 10, 2012 09:07
Production from the 1540 tonne landing by Faxi RE finished last Friday at HB Grandi's fishmeal plant in Vopnafjordur. According to factory manager Sveinbjorn Sigmundsson, this was the last full trip of blue whiting that the company's vessels will have this year and the outlook is now that production at Vopnafjordur will not start again until the end of June when fishing on mackerel and Atlanto-Scandian herring begins, reports
Overview of Russian fisheries in North and Central Atlantic in April 2012
May 3, 2012 11:48

In April 2012 the fishery activity continued developing and, according to estimated figures, through the month the Russian harvest in the Atlantic Ocean amounted to *** MT, *** MT up on March 2012. The contribution of Kaliningrad-based vessels amounted to ca.**%, reports

HB Grandi: Hoping to fill up today
May 2, 2012 09:28
HB Grandi's pelagic vessel Faxi RE is now close to finishing its last targeted trip on blue whiting for the year, and is currently at a position around 70 nautical miles south of the Faroe Islands. Faxi has around 1200 tonnes on board already and chief mate Ebenezer Gudmundsson said that they are hoping to have filled up by the end of today. As Faxi has a maximum carrying capacity of 1550 tonnes, there is every chance that they will be setting for Vopnafjordur later today, reports with reference to HB Grandi.
Russian suppliers of Olyutorsk herring planning big offensive onto European Russia
April 28, 2012 12:52

A potential 10-fold increase of Russia's TAC for Olyutorsk herring, which thanks to its high quality is regarded an ideal alternative for Atlantic herring imported as raw material for further processing, has made Russian fishermen plan to boost sales on the domestic market, reports

Successful seafood show in Brussels
April 27, 2012 09:22
The world's largest seafood exhibition, an annual event held in Brussels, closes today. Around thirty Icelandic companies took part this time, among them HB Grandi. According to Svavar Svavarsson, the company's marketing director, this event has proved its worth time and again - and this year is no exception, reports
Brussels gets underway
April 25, 2012 08:17
The European Seafood Exposition in Brussels was formally opened this morning and continues until Thursday. Among those participating are a 15-strong team from HB Grandi. Alongside the Seafood Exposition itself, a sister event, Seafood Processing Europe, is being held as the platform for companies providing equipment or offering services to the seafood processing industry, reports with reference to HB Grandi.
HB Grandi: Not much blue whiting quota left
April 24, 2012 15:45
The blue whiting season is already coming to an end and the company's vessels now have only 2500 tonnes of their 12,600 tonne quota left to catch. This isn't a big quota, but is still a big improvement on last year's quota when HB Grandi's pelagic vessels had less than 1000 tonnes, reports with reference to HB Grandi.
Aquaculture development in Russia showing positive trends in 2011
April 20, 2012 14:19

Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) has summarized results of the nation's aquaculture sector in 2011 and confirmed positive trends in farmed fish production, reports with reference to VNIRO.

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