News - page 58
(Oslo, 26 October 2012) The Marine Harvest Group achieved an operational EBIT of NOK 73 million in the third quarter of 2012, compared to NOK 457 million in the corresponding quarter of 2011. The results were impacted by weak market prices and a lower benefit from sales contracts compared to previous quarters. Cash flow from operations was NOK 237 million in the quarter (Q3 2011: 269 million)
Cermaq ASA has signed a term sheet with Danske Bank, DNB, Handelsbanken and Nordea to refinance two of its credit facilities amounting to a total of NOK 1.500m
Cermaq reported an EBIT pre fair value and biomass write-down for third quarter 2012 of NOK 232 million (NOK 348 million). Solid results in EWOS, particularly due to high volume and capacity utilisation in Norway, compensated for low salmon prices and biological challenges in Mainstream
Reference is made to Morpol ASA's (Morpol) stock exchange announcement dated 18 September 2012 regarding the merger plan for a merger between Morpol and its subsidiary Marine Farms AS (Marine Farms) and the merger plan which was sent to all of Morpol's shareholders and published on Morpol's website.
On the whole Russia is happy with fishing quotas for stocks managed jointly with Norway
Based on UPDATE AFTER THE END OF Q3 2012, salmon harvest of Marine Harvest ASA exceeded forecast for the period
There were a number of important developments in EU Common Fisheries Policy in September 2012
The value of seafood exports from Primorye Province (capital Vladivostok) has increased by 3.6% on the same period last year to reach $500.5 million since the start of 2012
Skyfrost reefer owned by Laskaridis is taking the season's first shipment of salmon by Northern Sea Route from Kamchatka to St-Petersburg
The Russian division of METRO Cash & Carry has gone to Court versus Federal Anti-Monopoly Service in an effort to avoid paying a huge fine for alleged discriminatory behavior towards fish suppliers
With Russia's accession to WTO in place foreign Investors may be allowed to take part in the proposed privatization of Sakhalin's Salmon Ranching Stations
The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS) has investigated ten companies-members of Russia's Pollock Association discovering indications of a cartel agreement. The investigation has been conducted in connection with the so-called Pacific Andes Case, the Hong Kong based concern being suspected in unlawful conduct of fishery in Russian waters through illicit control of Russian fishing companies
Russia is not exploiting considerable fish stocks in its Southern Fisheries because of lacking infrastructure and facilities
Japan is expecting reduction of Russian crab landings and higher prices for the delicacies in the wake of an agreement signed by Japan and Russia during the APEC Summit towards fighting IUU fisheries in the region
In August 2012 the Russian harvest in the Atlantic Ocean amounted to 88,000 MT, 25,900 MT down on the previous month 2012. The contribution of Kaliningrad-based vessels amounted to ca.30%.
E.coli bacteria were detected in a consignment of fresh-frozen shrimps produced by Indian plant No.940 (M/s Coastal Corporation Ltd) and frozen minced surimi from Indian plant No.1142 (1142 (M/s Kan Foods)
The State Service for Plant, Fish, Animal and Food Surveillance of Norway (Mattilsynet) informed the Rosselkhoznadzor that it had carried out a follow-up inspection at Establishment M-408 HOFSETH AS and revealed that its sampling procedure for microbiological analysis and system of control did not comply with the Customs Union animal health requirements
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) announced on 4th September current that the Ozernaya River sockeye fishery in southwest Kamchatka has been certified as a sustainable fishery and will receive the MSC ecolabel
Russia's Federal Anti-monopoly Service (FAS) has satisfied the application of OOO VIRMA (LTD) to take part in the forthcoming tender in order to try and purchase 100% of the shares of OAO Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet (plc), the last government-owned combine with big whitefish quotas
Russia's fishery head Andrei Krainy has called for extension of powers of his office from fisheries proper to the whole product chain from sea to plate while praising his subordinate fishery industry as ready for WTO