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First batch of orcas and beluga whales set free in Russia’s Primorsky Region
June 27, 2019 15:13

The scientists have placed trackers on the orcas and the whales, which would help them track their movements

Results of commercial salmon fishery in Kamchatka as per 23 June 2019
June 27, 2019 15:06

As per late June 2019 the salmon production in Kamchatka from all types of fisheries amounted to 4745 metric tons.

Salmon season in Sakhalin taking off
June 20, 2019 17:00

On Sunday, June 16, the North Kurile fishermen were the first in the Sakhalin region to start the new salmon season 2019.

Nakhodka Active Marine Fishery Base continuing expansion
June 20, 2019 16:58

NBAMR, PAO (Nakhodka Active Marine Fishery Base) is going to build a coldstore and a fish processing plant in Nakhodka along with a facility for value added processing in Sakhalin.

Northern Sea Route can get a second chance from Maersk
June 20, 2019 16:58

The shipping company Maersk is considering the possibility of shipping cargoes through the Northern Sea Route (Northern Sea Route) this summer. According to the company's representative, Maersk is currently discussing cooperation with Russia’s Atomflot.

Russian Fishery Company representatives took part in the return of seals to their habitat
June 20, 2019 09:17

Four seals that have undergone rehabilitation at the “Seal” Center have been returned to their natural habitat. Representatives of the Russian Fishery Company, with the support of which the construction of a new complex of the “Seal” Center is currently underway, helped the specialists of the rehabilitation center to release the seals.

HB Grandi: blue whiting goes quiet

‘The blue whiting fishery is very quiet now. It’s not as if this is a surprise, although there had been hopes that the good fishing would continue for a while,’ said Víkingur’s skipper Albert Sveinsson.

Russian Fishery Company to focus pacific herring sales towards africa
May 23, 2019 08:58

Russian Fishery Company, one of the leading producers of Pollock & Pacific Herring, is directing attention for Pacific Herring sales to Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

New major hub in Kamchatka to handle fish cargoes of the Northern Sea Route
May 16, 2019 14:04

Terminal Seroglazka, a part of NOREBO group and a resident of the Free port of Vladivostok, is planning to build a big complex in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to serve fishing vessels and organize transhipment of refrigerated and dry container cargoes including those of the Northern Sea Route.

Russia’s mussels and oysters production jumped 17-fold
May 16, 2019 14:02

Since 2014 Russian production of mussels and oysters has risen more than 17-fold to 1700 metric tons.

Largest fishery research expedition will take place this summer
April 25, 2019 16:48

As part of the expedition, two research vessels, Professor Levanidov (VNIRO) and Akademik Mstislav Keldysh (RAS), will conduct a series of surveys in the Arctic seas of Russia.

Russia steps into genetic editing for aquaculture
April 25, 2019 16:47

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev approved the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies until 2027 concerning aquaculture among other sectors.

Russia steps into genetic editing for aquaculture
April 25, 2019 16:47

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev approved the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies until 2027 concerning aquaculture among other sectors.

Seafood farms in Russia’s south to enjoy 200mln-strong investments
April 25, 2019 16:44

Azov-Don Sturgeon Company Ltd from Bataysk, Rostov region, Russia will invest about 200 million rubles (3.1 million USD) into construction of a sturgeon farm in the Azov region and in raising mussels and oysters in the Crimea.

Salekhard fish processing plant expanding production capacity
April 25, 2019 16:42

Salekhard plant in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is going to expand production capacity by 2020. The project will enable it to process from 4.5 to 6 thousand metric tons of fish per year.

Results of the Alaska pollock fishery A season in 2019
April 25, 2019 16:42

In accordance with the Fishery Regulations for the Far Eastern Fisheries Basin, the APO fishery in the West Kamchatka and Kamchatka-Kurilу subzones of the Sea of Okhotsk was completed on March 31, 2019. On April 10, 2019, the pollock fishery in the North Okhotsk subarea was officially closed. Thus, the season A “pollock fishery” in Russia was officially completed in 2019.

Vladivostok Sea Fishing Port making new record
April 25, 2019 16:41

In 2018 the Vladivostok Sea Fishing Port (Vladmorrybport for short from Russian) hit record handling turnover of over 4.5 million tons of cargoes, 14% up on 2017.

Products under the Russian Fishery Company retail brand went on sale
April 25, 2019 11:13

Fish products under the retail brand of “Russian Fishery Company” - Nordeco. Fillets and mince, as well as fish sticks from RFC’s Alaska Pollock are available in the retail chain "Caviar and fish" (St. Petersburg) and SAMBERI (Primorsky Krai).

The applications of the Russian Fishery Company for the construction of vessels and onshore plant under the state investment quota program approved
April 25, 2019 10:44

The Interdepartmental Commission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Fisheries approved for participation in the auction of the Russian Fishery Company application for the construction of four vessels and a coastal plant in the Northern Fishery Basin. The decision to hold an auction was made due to a high number of bids, exceeding the amount of quotas allocated under the state program.

Results of Russian APO fishery in the Sea of Okhotsk in 2019
April 18, 2019 15:52

The Okhotsk fishery of Russian pollock has come to an end with fairly good results.

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