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Further constraints hitting Russian and global exports of seafood to China
November 27, 2020 10:04

China has futher tightened regulations for exporters of seafood to PRC under the excuse of preventing COVID-19 from infiltrating into the country, reports

Seventh factory trawler laid for NOREBO Group at Northern shipyard
November 26, 2020 15:42

On November 19, 2020 the seventh freezer processor-trawler of design 170701, Kapitan Pyashchikov, was laid at the Northern shipyard in St Petersburg, according to the yard.

Newbuildings for non-quota and low margin species to get 30% refund
November 25, 2020 10:06

Russia’s Federal Agency for Fisheries held a meeting with fishing and shipbuilding companies, where they discussed the issues of placing orders for the construction of small and medium-tonnage vessels under the state program, which provides for reimbursement of up to 30% of the building costs, reports

Russia to continue fishing off Marocco for another four years
November 25, 2020 10:01

Russia’s Deputy Minister of agriculture – head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Ilya Shestakov and deputy head Vasily Sokolov have been appointed representatives of the Russian Federation in the Russian-Moroccan Mixed Fisheries Commission. The order was signed on November 19, 2020 following the recent signature of fishing agreement between Russia and Morocco, reports

Layout plan for $36 million Fish Market finalized in Vladivostok
November 25, 2020 10:00

In Vladivostok the authorities have approved the layout plan for the territory of the city’s Fish Market, according to the Agency for Fisheries of the Primorsky territory, reports

NAFO approved overall TACs and Russia’s fishing quotas for 2021
November 25, 2020 09:58

The NAFO has made public the total allowable catch, as well as Russia's fishing quotas in the NAFO regulatory area (North-West Atlantic) in 2021, reports

Peterfood held in unusual format (PHOTOS)
November 24, 2020 10:07

Despite widespread restrictive measures, the Peterfood-2020 exhibition was held in St. Petersburg, reports

Pilot phase of $40 million crab factory taking off in Murmansk
November 24, 2020 08:54

A pilot stage of onshore crab processing operation has been launched in Murmansk to be upgrade to a larger capacity later, reports

Onshore plants worth $26 million nearing completion
November 24, 2020 08:53

Investors have injected more than RUR2 billion in the creation of factories in Kondopoga of Karelia (Russia's province in the Northwest) and now they are being commissioned, reports

China bottleneck overshadows prospects for pollock A season in the Sea of Okhotsk
November 24, 2020 08:51

Situation with the export of seafood to China from the Russian Far East has become more complicated because of COVID-19, reports

Lack of destination diversity exposing FRE exports to fluctuations in external demand
November 23, 2020 15:31

Seafood exports from the Russian Far East (RFE) need greater diversity in terms of destination countries to make the sector less sensitive to demand fluctuations. The destinations structure was analysed, among other indicators, as ordered by the Ministry of Development of the Far East, in the research paper "Parameters of foreign trade turnover of fish products in the Far Eastern Federal district: volume, structure and value of exports", reports

Russian retailers gearing up for Christmas season (PHOTOS)
November 23, 2020 15:22

FISHNET visited Lenta hypermarket in Saint Petersburg and prepared a photo report on chilled and frozen seafood and salmon caviar on offer for the coming holiday season.

Russian Far East provinces displaying different priсe, value and volume efficiency in seafood exports
November 23, 2020 09:42

Analysts of Vostokgosplan have compared the regions of the Russian Far East as to the efficiency of their seafood exports in 2019 in terms of volume, value and price. The conclusions were made public by the Ministry of Development of the Far East based on the research paper "Parameters of foreign trade turnover of fish products in the Far Eastern Federal district: volume, structure and value of exports", reports

Fish ports and coldstores to gain from 3 million tonne turnover target
November 23, 2020 09:41

The Federal portal of draft regulations has published draft orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, which provide for the reconstruction and modernization of four major ports in the Russian Far East: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Nevelsk, Kholmsk and Vanino, reports

Progress and outlook for shrimp fishery in the Barents Sea in 2020-2021
November 12, 2020 09:51

The dynamics of the Pandalus Borealis fishery in the Barents Sea seems to be changing direction. Meanwhile the scientists are making projections for the catch and stock abundance in 2021, reports

An ambitious experiment may open new prospects for the cod industry
November 8, 2020 00:08

An ambitious experiment may open new prospects for the cod industry

The Icelandic company Samherji is preparing to conduct a full-scale experiment to develop the concept of storing and landing live cod catches. has looked into the strong and weak sides of the project announced by the company on its website.

Results of Russian fish and seafood imports for 9 months of 2020
October 29, 2020 15:06

The third quarter of 2020 has ended with mixed results for the Russian fish and shellfish importation sector, reports

Prices for Russian-made frozen chum salmon roe growing record high
October 29, 2020 09:30

Following the sales of frozen pink salmon roe, in late October sales of Russian-made frozen chum salmon roe were held for the Japanese market.

RFC completed the first season of the "clean coast" eco-marathon
October 22, 2020 11:59

On the coast of Shchitovaya Bay, volunteers held the final clean-up of the current season as part of the Clean Coast ecological marathon. The event was organized by the Russian Fisheries Company with the support of the Vladivostok City Administration.

Prices of Japanese purchases of red king crab from Alaska up again
October 16, 2020 10:18

The new season of red king crab fishery in Bristol Bay in Western Alaska was opened, as usual, on October 15, but even before the start of the season, the basic conditions for sales of the new catch for the Japanese market were determined.

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