News - page 283
The Russian fishery industry has seen more mergers recently towards concentration of quota shares of valuable species in the hands of more successful companies.
Cod, blue whiting and crab were the most important species for the Russian fishery in the Northwest Atlantic in November 2006, according to fishery sources in Murmansk.
The publisher of Russian Fish Report PROFI Pack FISHNET has produced E-Guide of Russian Company Offshore Quotas-2007 to further enhance the service to paid subscribers to Russian Fish Report.
As per mid-December 2006 the freshfrozen fish market of St. Petersburg, Russia's main entry port for seafood, has been facing strengthened control of seafood imports and stricter procedures of product clearance at the customs ...
In the year 2006, as never before, shipowners of the Russian Far East Basin have got the opportunity to plan next year operations of their fleets without any haste and turmoil ...
The Russian fishery of Atlanto-Scandian herring in the current year 2006 was formally closed on 24 November 2006.
Major Kaliningrad fish cannery KRKK is expecting further production growth in 2006.
At the end of December 2006 when the fleets get permits for fishery out of the quotas 2007, the ships will start moving from their home ports to the grounds.
In November 2006 the weather conditions in the Russian Far East Basin made a serious impact on the fleet operations.
Archangelsk Trawler Fleet plc (ATF for short) owned 100% by Russia's Federal Government is shortly completing a streamlining procedure and next year a decision would have to be made regarding possible sale of shares to private interests.
In November 2006 the weather conditions in the Russian Far East Basin made a serious impact on the fleet operations.
A Japanese journalist, who has not been to Russia for 7 years, interviewed in early December by Russia's nationwide TV2 was quoted as stunned by the multitude of sushi bars and Japanese cuisine restaurants in Moscow ...
The Russian catch to November 2006 inclusive was provisionally recorded at ...
Russian squid (Loligo vulgaris, Ommastrephes sagittatus, Illex) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006
Russian octopus (Octoрus sрр.) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006
Russian mussels (Mytilus sрр., Perna sрр.) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006
Russian crabs (Рaralithodes camchaticus, Chionoecetes sрр. and Callinectes saрidus) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006
Russian blue whiting (Micromesistius рoutassou or Gadus рoutassou, Micromesistius australis) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006
Russian saithe (Рollachius virens) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006
Russian sprat (Sрrattus sрrattus) import statistics for the first three quarters of 2005-2006