News - page 270
In the course of the autumn session of the current year 2007 the State Duma of the Russian Federation will consider a draft federal law No. 424303-4 "On amendments to the federal law No. 116-FZ from 22 July 2005 "On exclusive economic zones in the Russian Federation" and other statutory acts" submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Kamchatka's Legislature has approved an amendment to the local law "On Fisheries" ruling that all inshore catches should be landed in Kamchatka.
Leaders of Murmansk Customs, Murmansk Department of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor, Murmansk Veterinary and Fauna Protection Committee have signed an agreement on interdepartmental cooperation in the process of customs and veterinary clearance in Murmansk Fish Port.
On 15 June 2007 TINRO-centre fishery research institute conducted public hearings on the TACs 2008.
According to the respective EU's petition, on 18 June 2007 Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor and Latvian Veterinary Service started to check Latvian fish processing plants willing to export their seafood products to the Russian Federation.
In connection with the finding of the Salmonella culture in the course of monitoring checks in poultry meat shipped to the Russian Federation from the Belgian plant ...
In connection with the disclosure of mercury in a 2.4-tonnes lot of flying fish shipped to the Russian Federation from the Korean fish processing plant ...
Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor and Thai Ministry of Trade have discussed a number of issues connected with seafood shipments from Thailand to Russia, according to late-June release of Rosselkhoznadzor.
The output of market-size fish farmed in Leningrad Oblast surrounding Saint Petersburg in 2006 amounted to 2010 tonnes making 121% of the corresponding result in 2005.
In the short term outlook Leningrad Oblast surrounding Saint Petersburg is going to invite investors to take part in the tenders for allocation of sites for commercial fish farming (including exhausted open pits).
The Association of Fishing Companies of Primorye (capital Vladivostok) has finished research surveys on the sea urchin grounds in the Primorye subarea which have been conducted in collaboration with scientists from TINRO centre.
The Ukrainian fishing company OAO Interrybflot (plc) is the only operator engaged in expedition krill fishery, a Ukrainian fishery industry insider told RFR.
The volume of the Ukrainian fish market in the recent years has stabilized at 600,000 tonnes per year of which imported contributed 70-75%.
The Alaska-based Pollock producers are obviously trying to apply pressure on MSC in an effort to stop the Russian competition from moving into a higher market segment.
In the Bering Sea and in East Kamchatka Russian trawlers will continue harvesting Alaska pollock migrating during the whole June into the northwest part of the Bering Sea from the adjacent eastern part in the form of separate schools of different size and strength.
In May the fishermen of the Russian Far East basin faced problems caused by controversial regulations for Okhotsk herring fishery. More specifically, the latest update (new Fishery Regulations) has established time limits for the herring fishery in the Sea of Okhotsk.
The past month was marked by low herring inventories, high mackerel prices and some other developments on the market of St. Petersburg, Russia's main entry port for seafood.
Within June current Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor is planning to check 10-15% of Chinese fish processing pants interested to export their seafood to Russia.
In the first three months of the current year 2007 Russian importers purchased nearly 260,000 tonnes of seafood on the international market at a total price of more than ...
Saint-Petersburg-based engineering plant Tauras-Fenix has developed an automatic machine Plastpack-OR for packing marinated fish.