News - page 258
Products made from the fishfish and other aquatic species originating from the Russian Far East have continued appreciating in Moscow.
According to Federal Customs Service, through the period of nine months of 2007 the total import to Russia increased ...
The recent ban of sale of Russian-made sturgeon caviar, forfeit including, on the domestic market has made the nation's restaurants to withdraw wild sturgeon caviar from their menus ...
At a recent congress of the Russian fishermen in Vladivostok head of the Russian State Fisheries Committee Andrey Krainy said that the amended Federal Law on Fishery and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources should be approved until ...
Russia's President Vladimir Putin has signed a federal law "On introducing amendments to the federal law "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation" as well as ...
In November 2007 the Russian bottomfish operations will be conducted under the conditions of increased frequency of storms, however considerable changes in the volumes of cod and haddock supplies as compared to October 2007 are not expected.
In October 2007 the total harvest of the Russian fleets in the North Atlantic and in the Central Eastern Atlantic amounted to ...
According to the Norwegian Seafood Export Council (NSEC), a dramatic growth of Norwegian salmon export to the Eastern Europe markets was observed...
At the meeting on 31 October 2007 the Far Eastern Research and Fishery Council has made public the volumes of the TACs 2008 approved by the Ecological Expertise body.
In October 2007 the total harvest of the Russian Far East Basin exceeded *** metric tons.
In November 2007 the weather forecasters expect slow rates of ice formation with only shallow grounds along the Anadyr and Karaginsk Bays to be possibly covered with thin ice.
Russian catch in the nation’s Far East Fisheries Basin as per 6 November 2007
In the first week of November 2007 Russia's registered catch in provisional figures the North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic amounted to ...
Frozen fish market situation in Murmansk as per 6 November 2007
Officers of territorial departments of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor have intercepted 35 metric tons of meat and 7 tonnes of sturgeon products which have come to the market without accompanying veterinary documents.
Sergey Dankvert, head of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor, has recently met with Lee Kyu Hyung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Russia, to discuss their plans as to measures of food safety control.
Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor will check Australian meat and fish processing plants interested in supplies of their fish products to Russia.
Construction of a big seafood pre-packing plant has taken off in Novgorod the Great in the north-west of Russia.
The Kashrut department at the Main Rabbinate in Russia has granted the kosher certificate to 8 kinds of caviar, produced by Russian Sea Company, a leading processor with head office in Moscow.