News - page 257
"Expert North-West" journal has made up another rating of the 250 largest companies in the North-West region according to the volume of sales.
In reflection of the thriving professional fishing industry and fishery research community in Spain, Simrad has implemented a Spanish version of its website to ensure...
Interview with Peter Sikorra, Executive Chef at the five-star hotel Grand Elysée, Hamburg.
As per 20 November 2007 the fresh frozen fish market is being marked by a continuous rise of prices on some fish species,...
Russian catch in the nation’s Far East Fisheries Basin as per 20 November 2007
As of 2008 the scientists recommend to ban fishery of red king crab in the area of West Kamchatka...
Nakhodka Sea Fish port is to increase its nominal capital by a factor of 4.7 to RUB254.2 millions thanks to..
By the middle of November 2007 the market prices for pink salmon have fairly stabilized enabling the market players to forecast that the prices will remain at the same level through to February 2008.
In the second week of November 2007 Russia's registered catch in provisional figures the North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic amounted to 12,100 metric tons, 2100 tonnes up on the result of the previous week.
State Duma (Lower House) of the Russian Federation approved amendments to the Federal Law on Fishery and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources as well as a number of legislative acts aimed at improving the management of aquatic biological stocks.
Pentalateral consultations in London aimed at setting the TACs and international quotas of spring-spawning Norwegian herring have resulted into an agreement between the delegations of the EU, Faroe Islands, Norway, Iceland and the Russian Federation.
In the first ten months of the current year 2007 the Russian import of Norwegian finfish and other aquatic products peaked at 270,600 metric tons, 42% or 104,800 tonnes up on the same period last year.
Belarus-based processor OAO "Grodnoryba" (plc) is planning to build a new production facility for seafood processing, a spokesman of the company told Interfax.
In Belarus through the period of January-September 2007 the production of fish for human consumption including canned fish increased to ...
During the period under review there have been certain new developments on the market of St. Petersburg, Russia's main entry port for seafood.
The scientists forecast abundant runs of salmons to the shores of Kamchatka in 2008.
The Government of the Russian Federation has signed the order on introducing amendments as to redistribution of the powers in the sphere of fisheries and on approving the Articles of the State Fisheries Committee.
In Sakhalin based port of Nevelsk (one of the largest ports in the Russian Far East and Sakhalin Island) a wholesale fish exchange will be...
Russian catch in the nation’s Far East Fisheries Basin as per 13 November 2007