News - page 250
According to Russian Statistics Agency,(Rossstat) in 2007 the national output of processed and canned seafood products reached...
At the meeting held in Moscow in late January 2008 and dedicated to measures for development of the fishery industry the Russian Government has taken into account the report presented by the Head of Russia's State Fisheries Committee Andrey Krainy and as a result, the following concrete tasks have been formulated for various departments.
The Russian market of fresh fish is another growing segment with lucrative opportunities for business development in its premium segment.
The government of Russian Federation intends to cancel the science quotas on the catch of aqua bio-resources in 2009 and to go over to the financing of the science research from the federal budget, informed the head of the Russia's State Fisheries Andrey Krainy.
As regards seafood, the Russian vets have rejected the following consignments of fish products coming from...
Due to multiple inquiries coming to Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor about foreign plants approved for export of their seafood products to Russian Federation,
As per 29 January 2008 the fresh frozen fish market situation has not changed much, except for rising expectation
The Russian and Norwegian authorities have again agreed to postpone the deadline for the switch to pelagic imports from Russia-approved Norwegian plants affecting such pelagic species as herring, mackerel and capelin. More specifically, the deadline has been moved from 25 January 2008
It is worth noting that premium fresh fish is a seasonal product both in terms of demand...
The Russian market of fresh fish is another growing segment with lucrative opportunities for business development in its premium segment.
In its eleventh edition fish international 2008 can again boast a large number of interesting topics... guaranteed by about 400 exhibitors from 40 different countries and an exciting programme in which star chefs will present sophisticated recipes, for example, or forums on current topics in which experts from the industry
About 400 exhibitors from 40 different countries - fish international 2008 invites professional visitors from throughout Germany, Europe and overseas to the Bremen Exhibition Centre from Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12 February.
We are pleased to inform that we have just published the E-Guide of Russian Company Offshore Quotas-2005-2008 and you are welcome to download it from the Publications Page of our site.
The new Russian legislation for the fish industry has laid grounds for a big boost to the Russian seafood industry across the whole value chain with the nation's catch to reach the domestic and global markets via more processing at home.
More details are available in the contents