News - page 240
Russian Sea Group of Companies is about to finish choosing underwriters for the IPO on the Russian exchanges and at the LSE in 2009.
Based on the consent of the Expert Commission of the State Ecological Expertise, the State Fisheries Committee approved the TACs of Pacific salmons in the inland waters of the Russian Federation at ...
Railway transit of canned and processed fish across the Lithuanian border to Russia has reached new heights, according to Gudok (Russian main railways media source).
Just like in the previous years, in June 2008 in the Bering Sea and in the East Kamchatka zone the fishermen will continue trawl fishery of Alaska pollock based on ...
In the recent four years the total harvest in the seas of the Russian Far East Basin in May has been displaying a negative trend.
In the second half of April and in May 2008 the Russian fishermen operating in the seas of the nation's Far East reported a general decrease of fishing activity.
The United Shipbuilding Corporation (OSK) (a new Government controlled public company created as an instrument for support and development of Russia's State shipbuilding) plans to start in 2008 an ambitious program of fishing vessels building using leasing mechanisms and budget funds.
Russia has become one of the main buyers of Chinese tilapia purchasing ...
In January - May 2008 the total catch of aquatic biological resources by the Russian fishery companies amounted to ...
In January-April 2008 Russia's import of chilled and frozen fish has continued rising, according to the nation's Federal Customs Service.
In June 2008 in the Barents Sea the Russian shipowners and vessel managers will be getting ready for the most favourable conditions for bottom fishery beyond the Norwegian EEZ.
According to provisional figures, in May 2008 the total harvest of Russian vessels in the North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic amounted to ca.*** tonnes.
In May 2008 a project of the new special port zone in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski (capital of Kamchatka) was presented to the Government of the region.
The Russian producers are concerned with mixed market outlook for the unrolling salmon season in the Russian Far East,
The price bids for Russian white fish products during the 23d week of 2008 on terms of DES port of Northern Norway were displaying mixed trends
The Russian Government seems to have moved forward in implementing faster controls for incoming vessels in Russian fishing ports
The Russian Government seems to have moved forward in implementing faster controls for incoming vessels in Russian fishing ports as the matter is crucial for creating favourable conditions for more landings at home, according to an early June official release quoting Vice-Premier Zubkov in charge of the Government Commission on the Issues of Development of the Fishery Economy Complex.
Vladivostok-based Association of Pollock Fishermen with 29-company membership is going to take the Northwest Department of Coast Guard to court
In 2008 Kamchatka Government has for the first time taken over from Moscow the region's salmon quota allocation to the fishermen and online regulation of the fishery
Russian fishery head Andrey Krainy has confirmed that as per early June the necessary regulations towards issue of 10-year quota shares are progressing