News - page 239
In 2007 Norway continued strengthening its position on the Russian market of imported herring against declining shares of other producers.
Russian import of mackerel in 2004 - 2006 declined steadily. The growth of import volume started in..
In 2008 the fishermen of the Russian Far East Basin hope to increase salmon catches nearly by 8% and break another record.
In the period from 2004 to 2007 the Russian market of imported squid displayed mixed trends with a rise in 2005, a decrease in 2006 and a dramatic rise in 2007.
The second most important imported product form was squid fillets. Regardless of the general trend, Russia’s import of squid fillets was steadily growing.
Directive of Rosselkhoznadzor No. FS-NV-4/5919 dated 20 June 2008 about the addendum to the letter of Rosselkhoznadzor No. FS-EN-4/10365 dated 17.10.2007
Vietnamese export of pangasius to Russian Federation and Ukraine in January - April 2008
In the period from 2004 to 2007 the Russian market of imported squid displayed mixed trends with a rise in 2005, a decrease in 2006 and a dramatic rise in 2007.
On 11 June 2008 the Government of Russian Federation signed the order No.444 stipulating Regulations for Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo for short).
On 11 June 2008 the Government of Russian Federation signed the order No.444 stipulating Regulations for Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo for short).
By the end 2008 Rybnaya Federatsiya (Fish Federation) Company based in Leningrad region surrounding St. Petersburg and specialized in farming and breeding of trout and sturgeon species will launch a new farming facility in Sosnovy Bor, not far from St. Petersburg.
We are pleased to inform that we have just published the June issue of the Russian Fish Report.
Recently the heads of Territory Administrations of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor have got the directive with the explanation of the new procedure of clearance of fishing vessels as well
Russian fishery head Andrey Krainy has promised import duty protection to Russian pollock fishermen in their competition with cheap Chinese products on the domestic market.
In early June 2008 President Medvedev singed an order expanding the powers of the newly reestablished Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo for short).
In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk the problem of certification of fisheries in Sakhalin were discussed in the end of May 2008, according to reports from the area.
OOO Russkaya Ulitka Company (Russian Snail) has been successfully operating on the Russian market and has been the only plant in Russia processing edible snails of Helix Pomatia species.
In the end of May the head of Russia's State Fisheries Committee Andrey Krainy signed an order for allocation an extra fishing quota in the NEAFC area in 2008.
According to KamchatNIRO scientists, the following runs of salmon are expected in Kamchatka this year:
The auction for sale of 100% of shares of Murmansk Marine Fish Port planned for 3 June 2008 did not take place due to the absence of applications.