FISHNET updated Sortable E-Guide of Russian Company Inshore Quotas 2007-2009

December 10, 2009 16:38

We are pleased to advise that we have updated our Sortable E-Guide of Russian Company Inshore Quotas 2007-2009 according to the following orders of Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency:

  • No.498 dated 30 December 2008;
  • No.496 dated 30 December 2008;
  • No.132 dated 20 February 2009;
  • No.196 dated 17 March 2009;
  • No.329 dated 21 April 2009;
  • No.488 dated 9 June 2009;
  • No.550 dated 22 June 2009;
  • No.585 dated 6 July 2009;
  • No.651 dated 24 July 2009;
  • No.656 dated 30 July 2009;
  • No.690 dated 3 August 2009;
  • No.777 dated 31 August 2009;
  • No.909 dated 15 October 2009;
  • No.1035 dated 20 November 2009;
  • No.1037 dated 20 November 2009;
  • No.1095 dated 1 December 2009;
  • No.1096 dated 1 December 2009;
  • No.1097 dated 1 December 2009;
  • No.1098 dated 1 December 2009.

The guide includes company quotas in the Russian Far East, North, West and South Fisheries Basins.

Subscribers to the Russian Fish Report PROFI Pack are welcome to download the updated file from

FOR MORE DETAILS regarding subscription please go to or contact our sales manager Oksana Kozlova icq 402622314 at, tel./fax: +7 81153 38685, 39081.

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