Still low volumes but some signs of price improvements during Easter
In week 15, available first-sales data for a handful of EU Member States shows increase in first-sales prices for several groundfish and flatfish species. The increase in first-sales prices can be due to increase in demand for the Easter holidays. However, it should be noted that volumes sold at first-sale stage were in general low, and at local level some species still suffered marked decline in prices.
In Spain, at the end of week 15, CEPESCA and FEDEPESCA report that more than 50% of fisheries and almost 100% of distribution are still active. Prices at first sale, although volatile, are recovering.
In France, fishing activity and landing volumes are still low, but some smaller auctions have reopened yet with limited activity. FranceAgriMer data on weekly auction sales (excluding the Mediterranean) show that, compared with week 14, volume were stable (+2%, mostly due to a strong increase of scallop volumes) and average prices slightly increased (+9%). Trends vary a lot across species.
In five Danish auctions (Hanstholm, Hirtshals, Strandby, Grenaa and Skagen), daily average volumes were slightly higher over the three working days in week 15 compared to the five days in week 14. Prices showed an increasing trend in week 15, with large variations across species.
*Weekly data on first-sale are conceived to be disseminated as rapidly as possible. For this reason, they only cover some representative products in a selection of locations in some countries. They do not aim to give complete coverage of the market, and so it is recommended to use them as a mere indication of ongoing trends. For more information on species, countries and locations covered, please see here.