Progressing of the Pacific salmon fishery in the Russian Far East
As per July 23, 2019 the total catch of Pacific salmons amounted to 152.5 thousand metric tons exceeding the respective result of the previous odd year by 55% or 54.6 thousand tonnes.
Traditionally the biggest contribution was made by Kamchatka, where the fishermen harvested 143.4 thousand tonnes of salmon, 65% or 56.5 thousand tonnes up on 2017.
Brisk fishery was observed in Magadan as well. The total catch in the region reached 4.2 thousand tonnes, 1.2 thousand tonnes or 40% up on 2017.
In Sakhalin the catch was about 3.2 thousand tonnes, 1.1 thousand tonnes or 36% down from 2017.
Backlog in catches was also observed in Khabarovsk, where 543.2 tonnes were harvested or 85% less than in 2017.
The salmon harvest in Vladivostok-led Primorye was about 2.25 tonnes, more than 20 times or 2.14 tons higher than in 2017 (0.11 tons).