Fast growing Ledovo label celebrating 10 year anniversary
Ledovo label owned by Ledovo Group of Companies, which is one of Russia's leading producers of shellfish/mollusks, frozen products and mushrooms is celebrating its ten-year anniversary with the product range and sales under the TM continuously growing.
During the last decade the group sold 28,000 tonnes of shrimps or 1.92 billion individual animals.
Ledovo Group was the first one in Russia to start large-scale production of healthy foods meeting world standards of quality and ecological safety. The group claims to be one of three leading suppliers of frozen shellfish/mollusks, vegetables and mushrooms on the domestic market. Besides, the company is one of the nation's leading producers of the above mentioned products. The group's turnover in 2006 amounted to ca.508 million RUR with own production output exceeding 5500 metric tons.
Ledovo brand history took off in 1997 from the purchase of the same called production site and installation of Russia's first line for air blast freezing made by the UK-based Starfrost Company. The name of Ledovo was borrowed from the name of the village Dolgoye Ledovo in Schelkovsky district, where the production facility was established on the premises of one of the group's members JSC ZAO Kholodilnyi Terminal (cold storage terminal). In November 2007 the first lot of seafood products was produced under the TM SALMON (not perceived by Russian consumers as the fish proper but rather as a foreign word with a positive ring).
In 2003 Ledovo purchased a fish processing plant near Kaliningrad from its former owner Novfintekh under the Gazprombank umbrella. During its first year of the plant ownership the group invested more than 1.3 million USD to refurbish the plant for production of frozen and marinated shellfish and mollusks.
The total investments into the equipment refurbishment have amounted to 10 million USD since 2003. In July 2004 Ledovo Svetlyi was certified for export of its products to the EU countries under the registration No. 69-N. Ledovo-labelled products are now exported to the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova. Starting from the current year 2007 the group's seafood range has been also available on the markets of the Baltic States and Eastern Europe.
The beginning of the year 2007 was celebrated by the group with complete re-branding resulting into Ledovo's acquisition of the umbrealla brand status. Within modernization of the portfolio of its own label the group has launched marinated fish items under the TM Bon Appetit!. The new products have been awarded for "Innovations in product content" and "Innovations in convenience for consumption" at PRODEXPO-2007 food exhibition.
Under the TM Bon Appetit! the group has also launched a new line of laminaria-based ready-to-eat salads.