European Fish Fight Campaign to be launched on 31 May

May 25, 2011 11:12

On Tuesday 31 May, Commissioner Maria Damanaki will take part in the launching event of the European Fish Fight Campaign, reports with reference to EC.

She said: "Fish Fight has a great power and I am grateful to the people who support it and understand that we can not go on with business as usual. This is not an option anymore, for the simple reason that fish stocks are decreasing; we need a real change: to fish less and earn more and we can do that through a better management of our fish stocks and for instance avoiding discards. I hope that Fish Fight public support will help to bring the radical change that we need."

Fish Fight has been launched in the United Kingdom in October 2010 by the chef, journalist and food writer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, to raise awareness about the issue of sustainable fishing and how to stop discarding of fish. The initative has been supported by more than 675.000 people so far and "Hugh's Fish Fight" won the British Academy of Film and Television Arts 2011 award for best feature film.

Launch of the European Fish Fight Campaign
When? Tuesday 31 May, 12:00-15:00
Where? The Esplanade outside the European Parliament building (60, Rue Wiertz, Brussels)

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