Eco сertified farmed true north salmon splashes down at LEGAL SEA FOODS

March 16, 2010 13:58

Popular seafood restaurant group now featuring sustainable salmon from Maine and Atlantic Canada, reports with reference to Cooke Aquaculture.

Legal Sea Foods, a leading seafood restaurant group that sets the standard for quality and freshness, is offering diners fresh eco-certified Atlantic salmon from Maine and Atlantic Canada. The restaurants are serving SEAFOOD TRUST Certified Eco Label salmon from Cooke Aquaculture Inc. and its sales and marketing division, True North Salmon under the Heritage Salmon name.

True North's eco-certified salmon is the only farmed seafood in North America to earn the SEAFOOD TRUST Certified Eco Label. This eco certification is an assurance that Cooke Aquaculture is not only committed to a high level of environmental performance but is willing to have its operations audited by an accredited third party to verify that commitment to sustainability and continuous improvement.

"Our guests appreciate sustainably-raised fish and they want to know where it comes from," Legal Sea Foods' President and CEO Roger Berkowitz says. "Sourcing fresh fish from an eco-certified producer that farms just off the coast of Maine and Atlantic Canada is the right thing to do. It's good for our economy and it's a great ecological choice. Our salmon from True North Salmon, is third-party certified by the internationally accredited Global Trust to strict quality and environmental standards. True North Salmon is a valued partner."

The SEAFOOD TRUST Certified Eco Label gives Legal Sea Foods' guests the confidence that True North Salmon's products are raised using ecologically sound practices. The company is committed to the eco standard at all levels of its operations - from its freshwater fish hatcheries to its saltwater ocean farms to its processing divisions.

This certification is a recognition of Cooke Aquaculture's commitment to maintaining a pristine marine environment, improving feed utilization and sourcing practices, reducing energy use, improving water utilization, reducing packaging and eliminating waste.

"Cooke Aquaculture is committed to farming fish in a sustainable manner from an economic, social and environmental perspective. The SEAFOOD TRUST Certified Eco Label identifies Cooke as being in compliance with strict international standards respecting quality, traceability and sustainable production methods," says Glenn Cooke, CEO and the company's founder together with his father Gifford and brother Michael.

"It's more than that just about quality, it's about the great effort put out by our people who live and work in Maine and Atlantic Canada's coastal communities. By living and working in harmony with the local environment, we can be assured that we can hand down a healthy industry to the next generation. That is key and will be our legacy to our children and grandchildren."

"Consumers who like fish can have even more confidence about eco certified fish" explains Jean Lamontagne, True North Salmon's Vice President of Marketing. "Fish consumers make food choices because they are driven by health concerns. We conducted an IPSOS Reid study that highlighted the connection between eco-friendly seafood and its health and nutritional value. Nearly 57 per cent of respondents who eat seafood said eco certified seafood is safer to eat. The study also showed that these consumers made favorable comments about eco-labeled salmon such as, ‘better quality' and ‘more confident about wholesomeness' than conventional/non-eco label seafood."

Legal Sea Foods Executive Chef Rich Vellante says he's impressed with the quality of the eco-label salmon. "True North eco-certified Atlantic salmon is a favorite among our guests. It's sweet and light."

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