Delivery by Fusion Marine of new Triton Open Sea salmon pens to Marine Harvest signals commitment to stock security

May 17, 2010 13:57

Fish farm equipment manufacturer Fusion Marine has delivered eight Triton 450 Open Sea (OS) salmon pens for Marine Harvest's Marulaig Bay site in South Uist in an order worth more than £300,000, reports with reference to Fusion Marine.

Marine Harvest puts stock security as a top priority in its farming operations and the company specifically requested the Triton OS pens for placement on the most exposed part of its Marulaig Bay site, given the reputation of this type of salmon pen for withstanding the toughest of conditions.

The new Triton OS pens have been developed by Fusion Marine to meet the demanding conditions found in open sea salmon farming operations and have already been successfully used in a number of offshore fish farming locations around the world.

The Triton OS pens specified by Marine Harvest are constructed from two thick-walled 450mm polyethylene (PE) pipes, designed to resist impact and reduce distortion in stormy offshore conditions. The excellent buoyancy and strength provides a safe and stable working platform aided by the heavy gauge handrails.

As well as the pens, the complete fish farm package supplied to Marine Harvest included a new design of sinker tube to help maintain the integrity of the underwater containment nets, combined with net supports to keep out fish eating birds. 

The configuration of the pens and the tough polyethylene construction ensures maximum stock bio-security by significantly reducing risks on exposed or open sea sites.

David MacGillivary, regional manager for Marine Harvest said: "We had a Triton pen on trial for the whole of the last cycle and it proved to be the best pen on site for both strength and workability for the specific conditions at this location. We are delighted with our latest delivery of another eight Triton pens."

Iain Forbes of Fusion Marine said: "We are delighted to have completed this latest order from Marine Harvest. Over the years we have worked very closely with Marine Harvest to ensure the successful development of many of their fish farming projects and this latest delivery underlines the strength of this excellent working relationship.

"We firmly believe Triton has huge potential for future salmon farming operations, particularly with the move in the next few years to more offshore locations. As a Scottish manufacturer of fish farm pens, it is particularly encouraging that all of the major Scottish based salmon aquaculture producers have placed some significant orders in recent months, which in the current financial climate is great news for the local economy."

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