Decision on Iceland´s Share in Mackerel Fisheries in 2011

December 21, 2010 10:34

In the Ministry´s Press Release of 30 November 2010, it was announced that Mr. Jon Bjarnason, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, had decided that Iceland would have an unchanged share in mackerel fisheries in 2011, taking into account the increase in the total allowable catch recommended by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), reports with reference to Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture.

ICES had recommended that next year´s total allowable catch should be up to 646,000 tons. The advice for this year was up to 572,000 tons. The Minister encouraged the other coastal States to take Iceland´s share into account in their quota decisions with the view that the total mackerel fisheries would not exceed the recommended level.

The EU and Norway have now decided their mackerel quotas for next year. In total they amount to 583,882 tons or more than 90% of the recommended total allowable catch. Obviously, these parties have disregarded the legitimate interests of the other coastal States, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, and of Russia. The quota decision of the EU and Norway is in fact a decision that the total mackerel fishery next year will exceed the recommended total allowable catch and these parties bear full responsibility for that.  

In accordance with the aforementioned, the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture has decided that Iceland´s mackerel quota in 2011 shall be 146,818 tons. This year´s quota is 130,000 tons.

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