Cohen Commission to begin evidentiary hearings Oct 25

October 21, 2010 14:31

The Cohen Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River will begin evidentiary hearings in Vancouver on Monday, October 25, 2010. Hearings will run primarily Mondays through Thursdays and are scheduled from 10 am to 12:30 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm each day, reports with reference to Cohen Commission.

These hearings are open to the public and will be held at the Federal Court at 701 West Georgia Street, 8th floor. Evidentiary hearings will run through mid- December, and continue in the new year.

As topic and witness schedules are subject to change, media and the public are advised to consult the calendar on the commission's website, which will be updated regularly. Transcripts of each day's hearings, along with evidence presented at the inquiry that day, will be posted on the commission's website as soon as possible, likely within about 10-14 days. Currently, topics scheduled for the first two weeks are: Fraser River Sockeye life cycle; Perspectives on the Aboriginal and treaty rights framework underlying the Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery; Conservation, sustainability and stewardship; and DFO's organizational structure.

Media should direct any requests regarding recording or broadcasting of the hearings to Carla Shore at 604-658-3646 or

About the Cohen Commission
The Cohen Commission ( ) was established on November 5, 2009 with the appointment of the Honourable Bruce Cohen as Commissioner. Under its Terms of Reference, the commission will hold hearings to investigate and report on the decline of sockeye salmon in the Fraser River. Based on its findings, the commission will make recommendations for improving the future sustainability of the sockeye salmon fishery in the Fraser River, including, as required, any changes to the policies, practices and procedures of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in relation to the management of the Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery.

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