June 2, 2010 09:21
Reference is made to the Company's announcements dated 21 January 2010, 12 February 2010, 18 February 2010, 26 February 2010, 26 March 2010, 20 April 2010 and 30 April 2010 in relation to the proposed secondary listing of all of its ordinary shares on the Oslo Bors of Norway, reports with reference to China Fishery Group.

Unless otherwise defined, all capitalised terms used in this announcement shall bear the same meanings as in the Company's announcement dated 21 January 2010.

The Company has recently made two (2) significant acquisitions expanding its Peruvian fishmeal operations as announced on 6 May 2010 and 18 May 2010, and is considering and evaluating further potential acquisitions. As an effect of this, the Company, having consulted its joint lead managers, ABG Sundal Collier Norge ASA and SEB Enskilda AS, has decided to postpone the Proposed Secondary Listing of its Shares on the Oslo Børs of Norway.

The Company will, in consultation with its joint lead managers, decide on a new timetable for the Proposed Secondary Listing.

Further announcement(s) in relation to the Proposed Secondary Listing will be made as and when necessary.

Shareholders and other investors are reminded to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares as the Proposed Secondary Listing may or may not proceed. In the event that Shareholders and other investors are in doubt when dealing in the Shares, they should consult their stockbrokers, bank managers, solicitors, accountants or other professional advisers.

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