Bank Saint Petersburg purchasing bonds of Russian Sea Company

November 1, 2010 10:25
OAO Bank Saint Petersburg (plc) has signed a big deal aimed at purchasing bonds of Russia's leading seafood processor and importer ZAO Russian Sea (closed jsc), reports (

Bank Saint Petersburg has purchased the company's 396,000 bonds of the series 01 at the total value of RUR904,560. The deal finalized on 22 October 2010 has been approved by shareholders.

The sales price has been equal to the nominal value of RUR1000.00 per bond. The deal's total value also includes accumulated coupon bond income of RUR3,904,560.

Debut bond issue of Russian Sea Company was registered by the Federal Service on Financial Markets on 22 March 2007 under the state registration number of 4-01-12184-Н. On 21 June 2007 the debut bond issue worth RUR 2 billion based on nominal value of RUR1000 per bond was fully placed on the MICEX stock exchange. The issue matures in 5 years, namely on 14 June 2012.

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