Aqua Top Guns at AquaVision 2010

May 21, 2010 12:43

Marine Harvest, AKVA Group, Marine Farms, Nutreco - the top executives of the global aquaculture giants show up on the speakers list at the aquaculture business conference AquaVision 2010 in Stavanger, Norway, 7-9 June, reports with reference to Skretting.
Acting CEO Thomas Farstad of Marine Harvest, CEO Bjorn Myrseth from Marine Farms, CEO Knut Molaug from AKVA Group, CEO Wout Dekker and Excecutive Vice President Knut Nesse of Nutreco all have two things in common-they are top executives in world leading aquaculture companies and they are all speakers at AquaVision 2010. Between them they span the whole industry: fish feeds, fish farming and farm technology.

"Having executives at this level spend several days at AquaVision clearly demonstrates the importance of the conference as THE meeting place for the whole aquaculture industry," says Eivind Helland, General Manager of the conference.

Thomas Farstad of Marine Harvest will describe how the world's largest fish farming company experiences the mechanisms shaping reputation in the sea food market. He calls the lecture Conditions for optimal industry perceptions.

"This information is relevant for the entire industry. Our reputation affects framework, sales and prices," emphasises Helland.

Bjorn Myrseth, Marine Farms, is a true veteran of fish farming, having served as a top executive for decades. At AquaVision 2010 he will look at the legislative frameworks for aquaculture and their impact on sustainability and growth in his lecture Enable sustainable growth; Importance of legislative frameworks for biosecurity and future growth.

Knut Molaug, AKVA Group, has witnessed the technological development of fish farm equipment from the outset. He is convinced of further progress, presenting new trends in his presentation on New technology paradigms.

As always top Nutreco managers presents the official opening lecture and the closing remarks of AquaVision, this year respectively Wout Dekker and Knut Nesse.

Running continually from 1996, the biennial aquaculture business conference AquaVision has developed into a leading meeting place for decision makers at strategic level in modern aquaculture worldwide. AquaVision is organised by Skretting and parent company Nutreco with day-to-day coordination by Blue Planet.

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