Russian Fish e-Monthly
17 October 2007
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Big development loans for Russian fishery industry
Law on port zones to encourage investments into infrastructure
Putin revived State Fisheries Committee to speed up reforms
Government grants broad powers to newly made State Fisheries Committee
Fishery head announcing energetic measures to improve industry’s performance
Lower House passed amendments to Law on Fishery in first reading
Rosselkhozbank going to launch Fish Exchange in test mode
Russian fishermen highlight joint action and international cooperation towards sustainable fishery
Russia to build fish plant at Spitsbergen

Rosselkhoznadzor continues strengthening control of safety of imported seafood
Russian-Norwegian working group tackling seafood safety and conservation issues
Russian importers adjusting to tighter seafood safety and traceability requirements

Big Russian retailer forecasting stable growth of Russia’s seafood market
Fresh frozen fish market situation in Murmansk as per 16 October 2007
Frozen fish market situation in Murmansk as per 9 October 2007
Frozen fish market situation in Murmansk as per 2 October 2007
Frozen fish market situation in Murmansk as per 25 September 2007
Trends on the Ukrainian caviar market
Consumption trends of canned fish in Ukraine
Imports of Norwegian seafood making another big leap
Seafood sales in Moscow displaying big rise
Overview of Russian seafood market uncovers good opportunities for domestic and foreign suppliers
Mixed trends in mackerel exports to Russia
Overview of freshfrozen fish market of Saint Petersburg and other regions as per mid-October 2007

Fishery outlook for October 2007 in the Russian Far East
Fishery overview in the seas of the Russian Far East in September 2007

Results of Russian fisheries in North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic in first week of October 2007
Fishery outlook for October 2007 in North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic
Results of Russian fisheries in the North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic in September 2007

Fast growing Russian Sea Group to gross in excess of 600 million USD
Government policy creating excellent prospects for Arkhangelsk Trawlfleet
Russian fishery head to lead Murmansk Fish Port out of crisis
Russian snack leader boosts efficiency by building own plants in China
High-tech laminaria plant launched in Russia’s centre
Assets of Sakhalin Fishing Company to be sold by auction
Volga based processor investing 15 million Euro to build fish complex
Murmansk fish combine attracting investors via shares issue
Big fish combine on agenda near Olympics city in the south of Russia

Russian fishery head outlining policy for shipbuilding and other important issues
Russian global satellite navigation system close to full commissioning

Russian fishery head impressed by success of salmon ranching stations in Sakhalin
Russia’s output of black caviar set to recover
Sturgeon hatchery meeting high production targets
Siberian company establishing joint venture to farm sturgeons and produce black caviar

APPENDIX 1: Fairs & Exhibitions

APPENDIX 2: Russia’s seafood import statistics (selected HSC codes) for January-June 2006-2007
Total import of finfish and other aquatic species 03, 1604, 1605
030350 - herring (Cluрea harengus, Cluрea рallasii) frozen except for liver and milt
0304 20 750 - fillets of herring (Cluрea harengus, Cluрea рallasii) frozen
Total - 030350 - herrring (Cluрea harengus, Cluрea рallasii) frozen except for liver and milt + 0304 20 750 fillets of herring (Cluрea harengus, Cluрea рallasii) frozen
030374 - mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber jaрonicus) frozen
030211- trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus aрache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) fresh or chilled
030212 - salmon fresh or chilled
0303 1 - Pacific salmons (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus) frozen
0303 2 - Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), including trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus aрache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), frozen
Total - salmons, chilled and frozen 030211+030212+03031+03032
0303 78 1 - hake (Merluccius sрр.) frozen
0304 90 47 - hake fillets (Merluccius sрр.), frozen
0306 13 100 - Shrimps of Pandalidae family
0306 13 400 - Deepwater pink shrimps (Parapenaeus longirostris)
0306 13 500 - Shrimps of Penaeus family
0306 13 800 - other shrimps
0306 13 - Shrimps total
1605 20 - prepared packed shrimps
030721 - Sea scallops live, fresh or chilled, including small scallops of the families of Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten
0307291 - Great scallops Pecten maximus, frozen
0307299 - Other
030721 + 030729 - Sea scallops total
0304 20 850 0 - frozen fillets of Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma)
0304 10 310 0 - chilled fillets of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus macroceрhalus, Gadus ogac) и polar cod Boreogadus saida
0304 20 210 0 - frozen fillets of cod Gadus macroceрhalus
0304 20 310 0 - frozen fillets of saithe (Рollachius virens)
0304 20 330 0 - frozen fillets of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
030420350 + 030420370 - frozen fillets of ocean perch (Sebastes sрр.)
0304 90 050 0 - surimi

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