Company GPS frozen sea food, AG

Company GPS frozen sea food, AG

Dear sir/madam. Greetings from GPS frozen Sea Foods, Veraval. India We are pleased to inform you that we are seafood trader from India with a wide range of ocean food species. We have good and healthy relationships with companies dealing with quality seafood products. We cater to markets as per their seafood requirements such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, UAE, Iran,Korea,Tunisia,Camaroon,Europe markets and all around the world. We would like to work with your esteemed company and looking for fruitful healthy business relationships. I am optimistic of your continued support & you can likewise be rest assured of our complete cooperation in providing you premium quality product at competitive prices, You approaches us anytime for any of your requirements and expect prompt responses from us "always", Our Product Range: Pomfret Ribbonfsh Crocker fish Reefcod fish Grouper fish Leather jacket Lizard fish Cat fish Eel Fish Red snapper Emparor Mahi mahi King fish Queen fish Indian Mackerel Horse Mackerel Barracuda fish Japanese Thread Bream Stingrey Dorab fish Seer fish Sole fish Moon fish Flying fish Spotted grouper Yellow fin tuna Skip jack tuna Bonito etc all types of Squid whole,iqf,ring,cuts,tubes,whole clean etc Octopus all types of Cuttlefish, baby,big,whole,iqf,wholeclean And all types of cepholopods items. We also deal in crustacean like wild caught prawns as well as farm raised shrimps like vanammie,black tiger etc For any query or cooperation please don't hesitate to contact us. Wats app +919638167300 Email :-
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