Great Northern Products, Ltd. is a U. S. Company incorporated in the State of Rhode Island, United States of America. It's primary function is to bring to market the wealth of seafood products harvested and processed by its family of affiliated Canadian producers.
From the rich resources of Québec, the Canadian Maritimes and the Northwest Territories and the Eastern Arctic as well as the immense offshore quotas allocated to the Inuit peoples of Québec (Nunavik) and the Baffin region (Nunavut) comes a volume and variety of quality sea foods beyond compare!
Products destined for the U. S. market are shipped into Boston. Frozen products are consolidated in Boston area public cold storage for truckload and LTL distribution; fresh sea foods are consolidated at Peninsula Transfer in Boston for distribution throughout the states. Products destined for the world markets are delivered to the appropriate seaport, mostly Halifax, Nova Scotia and Montréal, Québec and St.Johns, Newfoundland. Quality is our corporate mandate. Service is our task master. Welcome to our world of seafood. Come on board and stay a while! |
Partners in quality Membership in Fisheries Council of Canada, Association of Québec Independent Processors (AQIP), Determined to provide the highest quality 100% natural seafood for today's marketplace; designed to support managed fisheries for the future. Consignment Great Northern Products has carefully constructed a network of quality producers whose varied harvesting capabilities complement each other when accessing today's consumer. Fresh or frozen, raw or cooked, ground fish or shellfish - this is a multidimensional company. Our products comes from an ever growing list of producers/packers who consign their goods for our sales and distribution. North American sales or for international shipment--we welcome any inquiry from a serious company who is interested in capturing their place in the market and including their seafood products in our sales effort. Broad Based The vertical integration of harvesting and marketing keeps product and information flowing freely. Great Northern's aggressive and attentive sales team perform efficiently, enhanced by investment into state-of-the-art broadcast technology, in-house managed information systems, and ever increasing presence on the Web. |