BASEAFOOD - Ba Ria Vung Tau Seafood Processing and Import – Export Joint Stock Company

BASEAFOOD - Ba Ria Vung Tau Seafood Processing and Import – Export Joint Stock Company

We are, Baseafood Joint Stock Company, one of the leading seafood Importers and Suppliers in Vungtau, Vietnam, dealing with all kinds of dried and frozen seafoods (Octhe superlativeus, Fish, Cuttlefish, Shrimps, Surimi, . . . ) 
         Our enterprise's productss have been making their appearances worldwide with our main markets: USA, EU, Japan, Korea, Australia, . . .  With HACCP _ EU CODE DL 34 _ HALAL _ ISO 9001-2000, Our enterprise's productss are of top quality
         Our dried seafood products Covered dried fish (Yellow Stripe Trevally, Leather Jacket, Lizard fish, red big eye scad, jobfish, . . . Related products include dog fish, steel fish, pork fish, mackerel fish, canada fishing, almond fish, fish , fish, fishing tins...

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