Company Grand Gourmet, LLC

Company Grand Gourmet, LLC

Dear Megafishnet, I would like to introduce our company Grand Gourmet that has been in business of gourmet seafood, high-end dining and authentic international cuisine for the past four (4) years. We have been established and popular company/restaurant with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction. We have never compromised the quality and services provided to the customers. Grand Gourmet specializes in high end seafood and authentic dished inspired by international cuisine all over the world. We offer fresh seafood, sushi, and other European delicatessen. Grand Gourmet has been rated as one of the best sushi places in Tbilisi, Georgia. Our clientele include US and European expatriates, local customers, diplomats, and tourists. Grand Gourmet is in the process of expanding its menu by adding new twist and seafood options to our valued customers. To that extent, we are looking to expand our seafood providers and vendors. We are looking to establish local and international contacts for consistent, high quality and reliable seafood providers. Grand Gourmet is interested in receiving your offers and pricelists. We look forward to receiving your offers at the following address: Grand Gourmet 9 Eristavi Street Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: 995 322 29 50 05 Email: We appreciate your interest and cooperation! Sincerely, Mr. Andria Burjanadze Sales Manager/Director
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  Director/Sales Manager
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