

Dear Sir/Madam Let me introduce ourself to you, we are an established Seafood Processor and Exporter company based in Indonesia, our current operation is exporting live, fresh, and frozen seafood to Asia Pacific Market. We see that your company doing the same field of business, thus we are really keen to expand our market to other continents, if it’s possible give us your interest products from any type ( fresh,frozen, and live) seafood and let us offer you our quoting and see whether you’re interested with our offer. Furthermore, our current main products are tilapia, grouper, tuna, black tiger shrimp, viannamei, sea white prawn, mackerel, catfish, lobsters, and mud crabs. Our product is HACCP and ISO certified because we do usually supply for other company that export to U.S and European country. I hope we can benefit from each other. If you're interested with our product do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further. We really would like to hear it from you. Thank you

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