Company Astrakhan Fish Refinery, AG INN: 3016034882

Company Astrakhan Fish Refinery, AG

INN: 3016034882

Main activities: extraction and processing.

The mining capacities are located in the Caspian region. Assortment of fish of partial species: pike, pike perch, carp, bream, perch, vobla, tench, asp, crochet, rudd, carp.

The processing facilities are located in the central region of the Russian Federation and in the Caspian.

Assortment of finished products:

  • Fish jerked (whole, chopped, straws);
  • Freshly frozen fillet (individual IQF and block);
  • Fish special;
  • Freshly frozen fish;
  • Caviar of Pike.

The enterprise has a certificate that allows exporting finished products to the EU countries and confirming the consistently high quality of products.

Shipments are made from warehouses in the city of Astrakhan and Moscow.

The company is ready for long-term cooperation, joint projects with reliable partners.

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